This concrete5 block displays the list of recently edited pages. You can define the number of pages to display.

Concrete5 Block: Recently Edited Pages

This free concrete5 addon displays the list of pages that were updated most recently. When you add the block, you can define the number of items to display. It also displays the author of changes and the time (server time) when the block has been updated.

Demo can be seen at

Block installation:

  1. Download it.
  2. Extract the contents and put in concrete5 directory (so 'recently_edited_pages' folder should get into 'blocks' directory).
  3. In concrete 5.4.x or below: Go to Dashboard -> Add functionality -> click 'Install'. That's it.
  4. In concrete 5.5.x or above: Go to Dashboard -> Stacks & Blocks -> Block types -> click 'Install'


You can add the following classes to the CSS stylesheet of your current theme in order to customize this concrete5 block:

  • swp-recently-updated
  • swp-recently-updated-item
  • swp-recently-updated-by

If you need a custom concrete5 block or functionality for your website, contact us for a quote.

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