This free concrete5 block allows to get your site retweeted through popular TweetMeme service.

Free concrete5 block: ReTweet button

This concrete5 block allows the site owner to place ReTweet button on pages along the website. The button is generated using popular TweetMeme service.

To install this, do the following:

1. Download the archive.

2. Extract and upload to concrete5 root directory (so 'tweetmeme' should get into 'blocks')

3. Go to Dashboard and install the block in 'Add functionality' section.

Adding Retweet button

You are asked 3 parameters:

1. Type: you can choose either 'compact' or 'normal'

2. Source: here you can put your twitter ID

3. URL shortener service.

Demo can be seen right on this page. Feel free to try it.:-)

Please also check other concrete5 addons that we have.

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