
Author Archive

typography.css in concrete5 themes

September 10th, 2009 5 comments

concrete5 recommends using additional typography.css stylesheet within a theme. I noticed that sometimes people don’t understand the purpose of the file and put there much trash, which shouldn’t be there. So what is typography.css and where it is used?
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Categories: concrete5 for developers Tags:

Snowblind – concrete5 template

September 8th, 2009 No comments

Please welcome yet another free concrete5 template in our collection:

snowblind concrete5 theme

snowblind – is a nice wordpress theme that we decided to convert into concrete5 template. Right now it supports one page type with left sidebar. In the nearest future we are planning to add more page types in this theme and we’ll also make it customizable from admin backend (concrete5 supports partial customizations of themes right from the dashboard).

Theme URL:

Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

Download free concrete5 themes: 2 new themes

September 4th, 2009 No comments

Hi everyone!
We have 2 new concrete5 themes to try out.

Theme #1: tranquility

concrete5 theme tranquility
Theme URL:

Theme #2: primepress
concrete5 theme primepress
Theme URL:

To learn more details about each of these concrete5 themes open the theme URL. There you will be able to download the concrete5 template and find instructions on how to install concrete5 theme.

Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

concrete5 theme: eos

August 18th, 2009 1 comment

Introducing new concrete5 theme:

concrete5 theme


Modern and stylish.

Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

simpleX theme now available

August 7th, 2009 No comments

We are glad to introduce new wordpress->concrete5 theme conversion:

SimpleX concrete5 theme

Click here to preview theme and download.

Please also check other free concrete5 themes.

Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

Follow us on twitter

August 2nd, 2009 No comments

Hi everyone!

We are available on twitter. We encourage you to follow us.

We will post there our current activity regarding this website’ updates, new concrete5 themes releases and other news.

Best regards,
Smart Web Projects team.

Categories: Our news Tags:

Three new concrete5 themes

August 1st, 2009 No comments

We are glad to offer 3 new free concrete5 themes available on our website:

simple green:
simple green concrete5 theme

morning coffee:
morning coffee concrete5 theme

illustrative concrete5 theme

All these designs were developed for wordpress by other people. See details of each theme for original author. We just converted the themes for concrete5. These themes are licensed under GNU GPL conditions and are free to use.

If you need to have some design converted for concrete5, you might be interested in our concrete5 design integration service.

Find more concrete5 themes here:

Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

If you accidentally removed Generate Sitemap job

July 19th, 2009 No comments

If you accidentally clicked on the "Remove" button for "Generate Sitemap File" job and cannot restore the job. Don’t worry. It can be easily done in the following way:

1. Move (not copy) generate_sitemap.php file from /concrete/jobs/ to /jobs/
2. Go to Dashboard, then open Maintenance section.
3. You should see the Generate Sitemap File job and Install button next to it. Click the Install button.

It was easy, wasn’t it?

Categories: concrete5 for dummies Tags:

concrete5 skin: Cordobo Green Park 2

July 17th, 2009 No comments

Please welcome new concrete5 skin: Cordobo Green Park 2.
concrete5 skin: Cordobo Green Park 2
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Categories: New concrete5 themes Tags:

Showing recently edited pages

July 11th, 2009 No comments

Some developers may need to show the list of pages that were the most recently updated in concrete5. This code snippet should help you doing this or similar tasks.

So, open the file of your concrete5 theme and add the code snippet specified below. Or you can create a block with such code. Or just simply wait till we release such block the next week or so.;-)

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Categories: concrete5 for developers Tags: