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How to replace site name with logo, p.2

February 13th, 2010 No comments

In previous article we described how to replace sitename with logo by html editing. That was for older versions of concrete5 cms. In the latest cms you can do it without any html knowledge. Here is step-by-step instruction:

1. Sign in to admin dashboard.
2. Go to ‘Scrapbook‘ section.
3. Open ‘Global Scrapbook‘ there.
4. There will be one block there – Content: “My_Site_Name”.

You can go 2 ways: you can either edit this content block and add the picture via ‘Add image’ button, or you can do the following:

1) delete the content block (My_Site_Name);
2) Add new block of ‘Image’ type (it will allow you to choose/upload the logo and set logo dimensions you want);
3) after you add the image block, it will be assigned a default block name like ‘Global Scrapbook 34’. You should click ‘Rename’ button and change the block name to My_Site_Name. Click ‘Save’ to finish the renaming procedure;
4) go to the site frontend and check if the logo is used instead of sitename. If not, that might be a problem with concrete5 theme (currently only cordobo green park theme supports it on our website, but we’ll update the other concrete5 themes soon). You’ll need to edit html code in this case, see this article then.

Categories: concrete5 for dummies Tags:

How to use logo instead of site name

January 25th, 2009 4 comments

If you want to have a logo instead of  Site name in the header of your pages, do the following:

1. Locate the directory of your theme. For default (Plain Yogurt) theme it is /concrete/themes/default/

2. Upload your logo (for example, logo.jpg) to the images directory inside your theme directory.

3. Find the template header.php file at the directory with the theme you are using.

For example, header.php for default (Plain Yogurt) theme can be found in /concrete/themes/default/elements/

4. Open the file and find the code:

<h1 id="logo">
<a href="<?php echo DIR_REL?>/">
<?php echo SITE?></a></h1>


<?php echo SITE?>


<img src="<?php echo $this->getThemePath()?>/images/logo.jpg" alt="logo" />

Of course, images/logo.jpg must be the filepath for the logo you upload at step number 2.

Categories: concrete5 for dummies Tags:

Adding external link in navigation

January 24th, 2009 No comments

If you want to have an external link (the link that points outside of your concrete5 cms) in navigation menu and in the sitemap structure, you can do it the following way:

1. Log in as admin.
2. Go to Dashboard.
3. Click on the page you would like to be the parent of your external link (for example, you can add external link to homepage or to `About` page), so in the sitemap structure the external link will be shown as a child of this parent.
4. In the popup menu click ‘Add External Link’.
5. Fill the URL of your link and its title (name).
6. Click ‘Add’.

The link will appear in your sitemap structure and in the Auto-Nav (automatically generated navigatio) block.

Categories: concrete5 for dummies Tags: